Trout Unlimited is featuring the Upper Delaware River watershed in a new report highlighting outstanding public fishing and hunting areas in the Central Appalachian region that are at risk from shale gas drilling and hydrofracking. The organization’s 10 Special Places report focuses on areas that are rich in fish, game and natural beauty, and that […]
Broesicke Details Salt Water Fly Fishing at November 12 Chapter Meeting
Eric Broesicke, president of the Monocacy TU Chapter, will present information on great saltwater fly fishing in the Sandy Hook, N.J. area. The meeting takes place Wednesday, November 12 at 7 p.m. at the Monroe County Environmental Education Center, 8050 Running Valley Road in Bartonsville.
TU Headwaters Youth Program
TU’s Headwaters Youth Program helps foster a sense of respect for the natural world and engages young people in hands-on conservation projects in their home waters. Encompassing a range of programs and projects known as the Stream of Engagement, Headwaters serves children, teenagers and young adults. From the nationally-recognized, science-based Trout in the Classroom and […]
Tell your state Senator to vote NO on PA House Bill 1565
UPDATE October 8th From PA Council or Trout Unlimited HB1565 was amended in the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee on 10-6. While the amendments improve the bill, HB1565 still falls short of protecting headwaters streams We all know the value of maintaining appropriate riparian buffers, especially as they affect the quality of our coldwater streams. […]
Congratulations to our New Officers and Directors!
The BTU Chapter Electorate has spoken! EXECUTIVE OFFICERS (3) Todd Burns, PRESIDENT Will Daskal, VICE-PRESIDENT Eric Baird, SECRETARY-TREASURER DIRECTORS (10) Don Baylor, Gerry Bortz, Ann King Foster, Jeff Heberley, Greg Malaska, Don Miller, George Sappah, John Smith, Russ Thrall and Tom Van Zandt.